In this digital world, the importance of exceptional business logo design cannot be overstated. My journey began in university, where I dreamed of crafting an epic science fiction saga. However, I quickly realized that writing wasn’t my strong suit, and the complexity of my ideas felt overwhelming. While working at a Logo design company a few years later, I discovered a newfound passion for logo design. Immersing myself in this vibrant field, I consumed countless books, yet I noticed a significant gap: there was no single, comprehensive guide that brought together all the insights I was gaining. Have you ever had an idea that just wouldn’t fade away? For me, it was the dream of creating a comprehensive guide to logo design. In this blog, I’ll share how I wrote the book and how you can create content to help you develop your first logo design book.

The Genesis of an Idea

It all started during my university days when I dreamed of writing a grand science fiction saga. But I soon realized that writing wasn’t my forte, and my ideas felt overwhelming. Fast forward a few years, and I discovered my passion for logo design. As I delved deeper into the field, working with a logo design company, I devoured books on the subject, only to find a glaring gap: there was no single, comprehensive guide that brought everything together. That was the moment I realized I needed to bring it to life.

Crafting a Blueprint

To structure my book, I used a strategy I learned from writing workshops: index cards. I jotted down key topics on individual cards, organized them into categories, and created an outline for my chapters. This simple method helped me clarify my thoughts and establish a solid framework for the book.

Building Momentum

With my outline in place, I started writing chapters and creating blog posts based on my content. This not only helped me establish my authority in logo design but also generated income through affiliate marketing. I even created a lead magnet, “The Logo Designers Boxset,” a collection of insightful eBooks that I offered in exchange for email sign-ups.

The Reality Check

As I reflected on my progress, I realized that writing a 50,000-word book wouldn’t happen overnight. I needed to commit to a consistent writing routine. I aimed to write 250 words each day, enabling me to make steady progress. Sharing my journey on social media provided accountability and encouragement from friends and family.

The Brain Dump

My first draft was a free-flowing brain dump. I wrote without worrying about grammar or coherence, allowing my thoughts to flow freely onto the page. This technique helped me transfer my ideas from mind to paper. I wrote my thoughts onto the paper and started thinking about completing the chapter. Once I completed the chapter draft without any hesitation, I faced the more challenging task of revising and refining the content, which brought clarity to my concepts and made them easy to understand.

Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

Just as I was building momentum, life presented me with some unexpected challenges. A difficult personal situation consumed much of my energy and focus, and my motivation for the book dwindled. The unexpected challenges of my life while writing the book make my brain hangover. In this critical situation, I never gave up and, I regained my determination and enthusiasm through my family’s support and therapy.

The Final Push

With renewed resolve, I made a focused effort to finish the book. Late nights became my routine as I balanced work and family responsibilities, and eventually, I completed the manuscript. After, completing the manuscript the feeling of accomplishment was incredibly rewarding.

Prioritizing Completion Over Perfection

I learned that finishing the book was far more important than achieving perfection. My mindset shifted to prioritize completion rather than obsessing over every detail. I utilized tools like Grammarly to enhance my writing and prepared a printed version of the book.

The Kickstarter Launch

To support the printing of the book, I started a Kickstarter campaign. I set an initial target of £1000, which I reached in just 12 hours. The campaign ultimately exceeded its goal by 200%, allowing me to offer various rewards to backers.

Insights on the Writing Journey

Writing a book is a difficult but incredibly fulfilling endeavor.  It demands dedication, passion, and resilience. I hope my journey encourages you to embark on your writing projects. Remember, it’s often more valuable to finish your work than to chase an unattainable ideal of perfection. Through dedication and effort, you can turn your dreams into reality.


Reflecting on my journey to write my first logo design book, I realize how pivotal each step has been in shaping not only the book but also my growth as a designer and writer. At Design Cosmics, we understand the significance of dedication, creativity, and resilience in bringing ideas to life through our logo design services. Whether you’re an aspiring author or a seasoned professional, remember that completing your project is more important than striving for perfection. With persistence and passion, you can transform your vision into reality.

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